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Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. habil. Stefan Christensen
Publikationsliste (1992-2019)
Comorbidities and Costs in HIV Patients: A Retrospective Claims Database Analysis in Germany. Christensen S*, Wolf E *, Altevers J, Diaz-Cuervo H, (*These authors contributed equally to the manuscript). PLOS ONE, PONE-D-19-08972R1, accepted 29.10.19
Reinfection with the hepatitis C virus in men who have sex with men after successful treatment with direct-acting antivirals in Germany: Current incidence rates compared with rates during the interferon era. Ingiliz P*, Wehmeyer M*, Boesecke C, Schulze zur Wiesch J, Schewe K, Lutz T, Baumgarten A, Simon KG, Hueppe D, Rockstroh J, Mauss S, Christensen S, NEAT study group, GECCO study group. *contributed equally. Clinical Infectious Diseases, CID MS CID-94758R1, accepted 18.09.19
Alcohol and Cannabis consumption does not diminish cure rates in a real world cohort of chronic HCV infected patients on Opiod Substitution Therapy (OST) - Data from the German Hepatitis C Registry (DHC-R). Christensen S, Buggisch P, Mauss S, Böker KHW, Müller T, Klinker H, Zimmermann T, Serfert Y, Weber B, Reimer J, Wedemeyer H. Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment; Volume 13: 1–7, DOI: 10.1177/1178221819835847.
High effectiveness of F/TAF-containing regimens (E/C/F/TAF, F/TAF+3rd agent or R/F/TAF) in late presenters – 12-month results from the German TAFNES cohort study. Christensen S, Pauli R, Spinner C, Jessen H, Knechten H, Scholten S, Schreiber S, Goerner K, Heinzkill M, Haubrich R, Stellbrink HJ. 9. Deutsch-Österreichischer AIDS-Kongress, Hamburg, 2019 # PW 117.
High Real-World Effectiveness of Elbasvir/Grazoprevir (EBR/GZR) on Opioid Substitution Therapy with HCV Genotype 1 (GT1) Infection: Results from the German Hepatitis C Registry (DHC-R). Christensen S, Stoehr A, Cornberg M, Klinker H, Heyne R, John C, Simon KG, Bilzer M, Guenther V, Witte V, Reimer J. International Liver Conference (ILC/EASL), Wien, 2019 #THU-125.
Effects on Health-related Quality of Life of Interferon-free Antiviral Therapy for Chronic Hepatitis C Infection – Results from the German Hepatitis C-Registry (DHC-R). Schäfer A, Christensen C, Heyne R, Naumann U, Link R, Herold C, Schiffelholz W, Günther R, Cornberg M, Serfert Y, Wedemeyer H, Kraus MR. International Liver Conference (ILC/EASL), Wien, 2019 #THU-115.
Risk factors for remaining liver injury in patients with virological elimination of chronic hepatitis C. Mauss S, Buendgens L, Christensen S, Ingiliz P, Berger F, Hüppe D, Simon KG, Lutz T, Schewe K, Boesecke C, Tacke F. Z Gastroenterol 2019 Feb;57(2):139-147. doi: 10.1055/a-0752-0514.
First Real World Experience of Presribing Tenofovir Alafenamide for Chronic Hepatitis B Patients in Germany. Petersen j, Hoffmann C, Rieke A, Hoener Zu Siederdissen C, Hinrichsen H, Hofmann WP, Simon KG, voan Bömmel F, Vermehren J, Teuber G, Degen O, Weigand K, Antoni C, Dikopoulos N, Christensen S, Stein K, Wedemeyer H, Spengler U, Adel S, Buggisch P. The liver Meeting (AASLD) 2018, San Francisco, USA, #458.
Effectiveness of Sofosbuvir/Velpatasvir for 12 Weeks in HCV Genotype 3 Patients with Compensated Cirrhosis in Clinical Practice Cohorts from Around the World. Fagiuoli S, Agarwal K, Mangia A, Shafran S, Wedemeyer H, Terrault N, Feld J, Turnes J, Buggisch P, Ciancio A, Borgia S, Christensen S, Vermehren J, Milligan S, Matthews G, Ramij A, Pol S, Ouzsan D, Wolf J, Mertens M, Troke P, Ustianowski A. The liver Meeting (AASLD) 2018, San Francisco, USA, #606.
Significant changes of HCV patient characteristics over time in the era of direct antiviral agent (DAA) therapy – are all HCV subpopulations treated similarly? – Results from the GErman hepatitis C COhort (GECCO). Christensen S, Ingiliz P, Schulze zur Wiesch J, Schewe K, Boesecke C, Hueppe D, Baumgarten A, Lutz T, Schmutz G, Simon KG, Berger F, Busch HW, Mauss S. International Liver Conference (ILC/EASL), Paris, 2018 #THU-358.
Can HCV be eliminated among HIV-infected MSM in Berlin? Modeling a setting with increasing incidence and high treatment rates. Martin N, Jansen K, Boesecke C, Boyd A, Schewe K, Baumgarten A, Lutz T, Christensen S, Thielen A, Mauss S, Rockstroh J, Ingiliz P. International Liver Conference (ILC/EASL), Paris, 2018 #THU-144.
Has increased rollout of DAA therapy decreased the burden of late presentation and advanced liver disease in patients starting HCV therapy in Germany? Rockstroh J, Boesecke C, Ingiliz P, Florian B, Simon KG, Thomas L, Schewe K, Schulze Z. Wiesch J, Hüppe D, Christensen S, Mauss S. International Liver Conference (ILC/EASL), Paris, 2018 #THU-432.
High Cure Rates In A Real World Cohort Of HCV Infected Patients On Opioid Substitution Therapy (OST) Despite Alcohol And Cannabis Consumption - Data From The German Hepatitis C-Registry (DHC-R). Christensen S, Buggisch P, Mauss S, Böker KHW, Müller T, Klinker H, Zimmermann T, Serfert Y, Weber B, Reimer J, Wedemeyer H for the German Hepatitis C-Registry. 7th International Symposium on Hepatitis Care in Substance Users (INHSU), Lisbon, 2018, Abstract 206, Poster 07.
Improvement of Clinical Symptoms and Patient Reported Outcomes (PRO) after HCV Therapy with DAA in Patients on Opiod Substitution Therapy (OST) - Data from the German Hepatitis C Registry (DHC-R). Christensen S, Naumann U, Link R, Heyne R, Nowak M, Günther R, Buggisch P, Schäfer A, Kraus RM, Mauss S, Cornberg S, Serfert Y, Wedemeyer H. The liver Meeting (AASLD) 2018, San Francisco, USA, #661.
High efficacy of sofosbuvir/velpatasvir and impact of baseline resistance associated substitutions in hepatitis C genotype 3 infection. Von Felden J, Vermehren J, Ingiliz P, Mauss S, Lutz T, Simon KG, Busch HW, Baumgarten A, Schewe K, Hueppe D, Boesecke C, Rockstroh J, Daeumer M, Luebke N, Timm J, Schulze zur Wiesch J, Sarrazin C, *Christensen S. Aliment Pharmacol Ther; 2018 May;47(9):1288-1295. doi: 10.1111/apt.14592
Direct acting antiviral treatment of chronic HCV-infected patients on Opioid Substitution Therapy: still a concern in clinical practice? Christensen S, Buggisch P, Mauss S, Böker KHW, Schott E, Klinker H, Zimmermann T, Weber B, Reimer J, Serfert Y, Wedemeyer H. Addiction. Addiction. 2018; 113(5): 868-882. doi: 10.1111/add.14128.
High Incidence of HCV Reinfection in MSM in the DAA Era. Ingiliz P, Wehmeyer M., Christensen S, Lutz T, Schewe K, Baumgarten A, Hueppe D, Simon KG, Rockstroh J, Boesecke C, Mauss S. Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) 2018, Boston, USA, #612.
Can HCV be eliminated among HIV-infected MSM in berlin? Modeling a setting with increasing incidence an high treatment rates. Martin N, Jansen K, Boesecke C, Boyd A, Schewe K, Baumgarten A, Lutz T, Christensen S, Thielen A, Mauss S, Rockstroh J, Ingiliz P. The liver meeting (AASLD) 2017, Washington DC, Abstract # 1050.
HCV Reinfection after successful DAA treatment – a GECCO analysis. Ingiliz P, Christensen S, Berger F, Kimhofer T, Schewe K, Boesecke C, Hueppe D, Schulze zur Wiesch J, Lutz T, Mauss S. Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) 2017, Seattle, USA, #1416.
Effect of antiviral therapy for HCV on lipid levels. Antivir Ther. Mauss S, Berger F, Wehmeyer MH, Ingiliz P, Hueppe D, Lutz T, Simon KG, Schewe K, Rockstroh JK, Baumgarten A, Christensen S. 2017;21(1):81-88. doi: 10.3851/IMP3094. Epub 2016 Sep
Real-world effectiveness of interferon-free Sofosbuvir based regimens in patients with opiod substitution therapy (OST) - Data from the German Hepatitis C Registry (DHC-R). Günther R, Buggisch P, Böker K, Mauss S, Klinker H, Schott E, Gündogdu M, Christensen S. The liver meeting (AASLD) 2017, Washington DC, Abstract # 1073.
Improvement of clinical Symptoms and patient-reported outcomes after HCV-therapy with interferon-free Sofosbuvir-based regimens: Real world results from the DHC-R. Christensen S, Heyne R, Naumann U, Günther R, Simon KG, Herold C, Möller H, Bohr U, Hueging K, Reimer J. The liver meeting (AASLD) 2017, Washington DC, Abstract # 1138.
Does antiretroviral therapy affect ALT levels in HIV/HCV-coinfected patients after SVR (GECCO)? Mauss S, Boesecke C, Berger F, Ingiliz P, Lutz T, Schewe K, Baumgarten A+, Rockstroh J, Christensen S. 16th European AIDS Conference. October 25-27, 2017. Milan, Italy, PE16/18.
Influence of DAA therapy on ALT levels in HCV and HIV/HCV coinfected patients (GECCO). Mauss S, Boesecke C, Berger F, Ingiliz P, Lutz T, Schewe K, Wehmeyer M, Baumgarten A, Rockstroh J, Christensen S. Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) 2017, Seattle, USA, # 576.
Does Sofosbuvir (SOF)/Velpatasvir (VEL) with or without Ribavirin (RBV) change the landscape of therapy in chronic hepatitis C genotype 3 (GT 3) infection? – Results from the GErman hepatitis C COhort (GECCO). Christensen S, Ingiliz P, Schewe K, Rockstroh J, Hueppe D, Baumgarten A, Lutz T, Schmutz G, Simon KG, Berger F, Busch HW, Schulze zur Wiesch J, Mauss S. The International Liver Congress (ILC, EASL) 2017, Amsterdam, #SAT 275.
Long-term outcome of chronic hepatitis C virus infection in a real-world setting. Wedemeyer H, Reimer J, Sandow P, Hueppe D, Lutz T, Gruengreif K, Goelz J, Christensen S, Pfeiffer-Vornkahl H, Alshuth U, Manns MP. Liver Int. 2017 Oct;37 (10):1468-1475. Doi: 10.1111/liv.13399. Epub 2017 Jul 18.
Liver Cirrhosis as a Risk Factor for Direct-Acting Antiviral Therapy Failure in Real-Life Hepatitis C Virus/Human Immunodeficiency Virus Coinfection. Boesecke C, Ingiliz P, Berger F, Lutz T, Schewe K, Schulze zur Wiesch J, Baumgarten A, Christensen S, Rockstroh J. Open Forum Infectious Diseases.ofx158, https://doi.org/10.1093/ofid/ofx158, July 2017
Real-world effectiveness of sofosbuvir-based treatment regimens for chronic hepatitis C genotype 3 infection: Results from the multicenter German hepatitis C cohort (GECCO-03). Wehmeyer MH, Ingiliz P, Christensen S, Hueppe D, Lutz T, Simon KG, Schewe K, Boesecke C, Baumgarten A, Busch H, Rockstroh J, Schmutz G, Kimhofer T, Berger F, Mauss S, Schulze Zur Wiesch J. J Med Virol. 2017 Jul 15. doi: 10.1002/jmv.24903. [Epub ahead of print].
Real-world evidence on all-oral, interferon-free regimens with Ombitasvir/Paritaprevir/r and Dasabuvir for treatment of chronic HCV patients receiving opioid substitution therapy in the German Hepatitis C-Registry. Christensen S, Buggisch P, Lyonn N, Khaykin P, Schober A, Lutz T, Teuber G, Mauss S, König B, Hettinger J., Wedemeyer H., GASL 2017, Essen, Germany, # 2.43.
Chronic Hepatitis C Treatment in Patients with Drug Injection History: Findings of the INTEGRATE Prospective, Observational Study. Robaeys G, Christensen S, Lucidarme D, Arain A, Bruggmann P, Kunkel J, Keim S, Jäkel M, DeMasi R, Liu C, Lonjon-Domanec I, Foster GR. Infect Dis Ther (2017). doi:10.1007/s40121-017-0158-x
Sofosbuvir and Ledipasvir for 8 weeks for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C virus infection in HCV-monoinfected and HIV-HCV coinfected individuals - Results from the German hepatitis C cohort (GECCO). *Ingiliz P., *Christensen S., Kimhofer T., Hueppe D., Lutz T., Schewe K., Busch H., Schmutz G., Wehmeyer MH., Boesecke C., Simon KG., Berger F., Rockstroh JK., Schulze zur Wiesch J., Baumgarten A., Mauss S. Clin Infect Dis, 2016 Nov 15;63(10):1320-1324. Epub 2016 Aug 17.
Successful Anti-HCV Therapy of a Former Intravenous Drug User with Sofosbuvir and Daclatasvir in a Peritransplant Setting: A case Report: Seiffert LL., Heinzow H., Kabar I., Christensen S., Hüsing A, Schmidt HH. Am J Case Rep. 2016 Aug 24; 17:605-10.
Chronic hepatitis C patients prior to broad access to interferon-free treatments in Germany. Hüppe D, Buggisch P, Christensen S, Heiken H, Mauss S, Naumann U, Fischer C, Kleine H, Huelsenbecket J. Z Gastroenterol 2016; 54: 740–747
Comorbidities, Co-medication and Potential Drug to Drug Interactions in Chronic hepatitis C (CHC): Implications for Adaequate HCV Treatment Selction – Data from a large transversal study in Germany and France. Christensen S, Ansolabehere X, El Mouaddin N, Kostev K. The liver Meeting (AASLD) 2016, Boston, USA, #1971.
Relapse and treatment emergent RAVs with DAA-based regiments in hepatitis C virus infection (HCV) mono-or-human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-HCV Co-infected patients – a real concern in clinical practice? Results from the German hepatitis C cohort (GECCO). Christensen S, Ingiliz P, Schewe K, et al. J Hepatol 2016; 64 (Suppl 2): SAT-265 (EASL/ILC 2016).
Sofosbuvir-based treatments for patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV) mono-infection and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-HCV co-infection with genotype 1 and 4 in clinical practice – Results from the GErman hepatitis C COhort (GECCO). Mauss S, Schewe K, Rockstroh J, Hueppe D, Baumgarten A, Schmutz G, Simon KG, Lutz T, Busch HW, Ingiliz P, Christensen S. The liver Meeting (AASLD) 2015, San Francisco, USA, #1156.
Sofosbuvir and ledipasvir for 8 weeks in patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV) mono-infection and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-HCV co-infection with genotype 1 and 4 in clinical practice - Results from the GErman hepatitis C COhort (GECCO). Christensen S, Mauss S, Hueppe D, Schewe K, Lutz T, Rockstroh J, Schuetze M, Schmutz G, Simon KG, Busch HW, Ingiliz P, Baumgarten A. The liver Meeting (AASLD) 2015, San Francisco, USA, #1081.
Effects of HCV therapy with direct acting antiviral agents on lipids in the German multicenter cohort (GECCO). Mauss S, Berger F, Ingiliz P, Hueppe D, Lutz T, Simon KG, Schewe K, Wasmuth C, Busch H, Baumgarten A, Christensen S. 15. European AIDS Conference, Barcelona, Spain 2015, PE13/44.
Directly-acting Agents against the Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) for HCV-monoinfected and HIV-HCV-coinfected Patients with HCV Genotypes 1, 2, 3 and 4. Results from the German Hepatitis C Cohort (GECCO). Christensen S, Schewe K, Lutz T, Kimhofer T, Schwarze-Zander C, Busch H, Schmutz G, Baumgarten A, Simon KG, Hueppe D, Ingiliz P, Mauss S. 15. European AIDS Conference, Barcelona, Spain 2015, PE13/39.
Does treatment of HCV with DAAs Affect Renal Function? Findings from the German Multicenter Cohort on Direct Antiviral Agents in HCV- and HIV/HCV-infected Patients (GECCO). Mauss S, Berger F, Ingiliz P, Christensen S, Hueppe D, Lutz T, Simon KG, Schewe K, Boesecke C, Busch H, Baumgarten A. 15. European AIDS Conference, Barcelona, Spain 2015, PE13/8.
Drug-Drug interactions With Antiviral Agents in People Who Inject Drugs Requiring Substitution Therapy. Meemken L. Hanhoff N., Tseng A., Christensen S. , Gillessen A. Ann Pharmacother. 2015 Jul;49(7):796-807. Doi: 10.1177/1060028015581848. Epub 2015 Apr 22.
German cohort on sofosbuvir based therapy for HCV/HIV- and HCV-infection (GECOSO) S. Christensen, P. Ingiliz, D. Hüppe, T. Lutz, K.-G. Simon, K. Schewe, H. Busch, A. Baumgarten, G. Schmutz, St. Mauss. The Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), Seatlle, USA, 2015, Poster #646
Response to peginterferon plus ribavirin and subsequent retreatment with telaprevir-based triple therapy in a patient with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and chronic HCV genotype 1b infection. S. Christensen, A. Gillessen. Infectious Agents and Cancer. 2014, 9: DOI:10.1186/1750-9378-9-10
Baseline factors associated with sustained virologic response (SVR) in patients treated with
first generation protease inhibitors plus peginterferon alfa-2a (40KD) and ribavirin.
Christensen S, Boeker KHW, Eisenbach C, Schuchmann M, Lutz T, Heyne R, Moog G, Mauss S, Jung MC, Teuber G, Emke F, Naumann U, Doss F, Lucadou A, Alshuth U, Hueppe D for the BNG Study Group. The International Liver Congress (ILC), London, UK, 2014, Abstract # 1148.
People who inject drugs on a stable opiod maintenance therapy with a chronic hepatitis C genotype 1 infection respond as well as patients with other route of infection to an antiviral triple combination therapy. S. Christensen, U. Naumann, J.H. Goelz. The 64nd Annual Meeting Of The American Association For The Study Of The Liver (AASLD), Washington, USA, 2013, Abstract # 1882.
Efficacy and safety of eRVR patients treated with telaprevir, peginterferon alfa-2A and ribavirin: SVR Data from the German non-interventional PAN Study. S. Christensen, K.H. Boeker, C. Eisenbach, M. Schuchmann, T. Lutz, R. Heyne, G. Moog, S. Mauss, M. Jung, G.Teuber, F. Emke, U. Naumann, M. Frank Doss, A. von Lucadou, U. Alshuth, D. Hueppe. The 64nd Annual Meeting Of The American Association For The Study Of The Liver (AASLD), Washington, USA, 2013, Abstract # 1905.
Non-virological factors predicting patient adherence during antiviral treatment of genotype 1/4 infection in real world: role of gender and age. T. Witthoeft, S. Christensen, H.W. Busch, W. Gickler, H. Steffens, C. John, S. Holm, A. von Lucadou, E. Zehnter, H. Cordes,|D. Hueppe, H.W. Blaak, D. Hartmann, M. Bilzer. The 64nd Annual Meeting Of The American Association For The Study Of The Liver (AASLD), Washington, USA, 2013, Abstract # 1902.
Elevated glucose, metabolic syndrome and diabetes predict lower treatment response to triple therapy with telaprevir in HCV. E. Jaeckel, C. John, R. Heyne, G. Teuber, W. Schiffelholz, S. Christensen, C. Antoni, S. Pape, M. Roessle, H.F. Loehr, K.H. Boeker, A. Schober, H. Bruch, S. Mauss, H. Steffens,|U. Alshuth. The 64nd Annual Meeting Of The American Association For The Study Of The Liver (AASLD), Washington, USA, 2013, Abstract # 1948.
Safety and efficacy of triple therapy containing boceprevir (BOC) or telaprevir (TVR) plus peginterferon alfa-2a/ ribavirin in patients with advanced fibrosis or cirrhosis in real-life setting. S. Mauss, A. Schober, C. John, T. Lutz, G. Moog, H. Bruch, G. Teuber, S. Christensen, R. Heyne, S. Pape, U. Naumann, M. Roessle, W. Schiffelholz, H.F. Loehr, U. Alshuth, D. Hueppe. The 64nd Annual Meeting Of The American Association For The Study Of The Liver (AASLD), Washington, USA, 2013, Abstract # 1856.
Triple Therapy of Chronic hepatitis C in Opiate Addicts – First Results from 2 Centers in Germany. S. Christensen, U. Naumann, J. Gölz. Oral Presentation. 3rd International Symposium on Hepatitis Care in Substance Users. München, Germany, 2013.
Week 4 and 12 Efficacy of Telaprevir (TVR) in Combination with Pegintereron alfa 2a/Ribavirin (P/R) in Treatment Experienced Patients with GT-1 under Real Life conditions. S. Christensen, S. Mauss, C. Eisenbach, M.-C. Jung, M. Roessle, F. Emke, S.Pape, A.v. Lucadou, M. Frank Doss, M. Schuchmann, R. Ullrich, P. Erren, , U. Alshuth, D. Hueppe, P. Buggisch. The International Liver Congress (ILC), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2013, Abstract # 805.
Cholesterol Levels and Presence of Diabetes predict Early Virological Response to Triple Therapy with Telaprevir, Peg-Interferon-2a 180 µg and Ribavirin in chronic Hepatitis C. E. Jaeckel, E. Zehnter, C. John, R.Heyne, G. Teuber, W. Schiffelholz, S. Christensen, C. Antoni, S. Pape, M. Roessle, H. Loehr, S.Stoll, U. Alshuth, D. Hueppe, S. Mauss, M.P. Manns. The International Liver Congress (ILC), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2013, Abstract # 830.
Real-World Efficacy and Safety of Telaprevir in Combination with Pepginterferon alfa-2a and Ribavirin: Interim Analysis from the German Non-Interventional PAN Study. S. Mauss, K.H.W. Boeker, C. Eisenbach, B. Moeller, G. Moog, T. Lutz, U. Naumann, S. Christensen, M.-C. Jung, G. Teuber, M. Frank Doss, M. Schuchmann, E. Schott, U. Alshuth, D. Hueppe. The International Liver Congress (ILC), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2013, Abstract # 871.
Chronic hepatitis C: treat or wait? Medical decision making in clinical practice. Niederau C., Hueppe D., Zehnter E., Möller B., Heyne R., Christensen S., Pfaff R., Theilmeier A, Alshut U., Mauss S. World J Gastroenterol. 2012 Mar; 18(12): 1339-47. Doi: 10.3748/wjg.v18.i12.1339.
Patient Adherence: the Influence of Non-virological Factors in a Real Word Setting. Thomas Witthoeft, Ralph Link, Stefan Christensen, Heiner W. Busch, Wolfgang Gickler, Hermann Steffens, Christine John, Stefanie Holm, Armand von Lucadou, Elmar Zehnter, Hans-Jörg Cordes, Dietrich Hueppe, Harald W. Blaak, Andreas Heuser, Manfred Bilzer. The 63nd Annual Meeting Of The American Association For The Study Of The Liver (AASLD), Boston, USA, 2012, Abstract # 757
First Real-Life data of triple therapy with telaprevir (TVR) an boceprevir (BOC) in combination with peginterferon-alph 2 a (PEG) plus ribavirin (RBV) in patients infected with chronic hepatitis c (CHC), genotype 1 in a non-interventional study (PAN) in Germany. Forestier N., Lutz T., Leuschner M., Christensen S., Schott E., Kallinowski B., Buggisch P., Hueppe D., Alshuth U., Milicic-Ouakili K., Mauss S. The 63nd Annual Meeting Of The American Association For The Study Of The Liver (AASLD), Boston, USA, 2012, Abstract ID 1813.
Futility rules and eRVR assessment in real life. Lessions still to be learned? Buggisch P., Boeker KH., Teuber G., Christensen S., Schott E., Hueppe D., Rieke A., Spengler U., Alshut U., Mauss S. The 63nd Annual Meeting Of The American Association For The Study Of The Liver (AASLD), Boston, USA, 2012, Abstract ID 1763.
Patient Adherence: The Influence of Non-Virological Factors in a real World settingt. Witthöft, R Link, S Christensen, HW Busch, W Gickler, H Steffens, C John, S Holm, A von Lucadou, E Zehnter, H-J Cordes, D Hüppe, H Blaak, A Heuser, M Bilzer, DGSV, Hamburg, Germany, 2012, Abstract # A-483-0010-00425
Acute Hepatitis C in Persons Infected with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV): The “Real-Life-Setting” proves the concept. Obermeier M., Ingiliz P., Weitner L., Cordes C., Moll A., Hintsche B., Schlote F., Koeppe S., Christensen S., Mayr C., Baumgarten A. Eur J Med Res (2011) 16: 237-242.
Considerable under-treatment of chronic HCV infection in HIV patients despite acceptable sustained virological response rates in a real life setting. Reiberger T., Obermeiner M., Payer BA., Baumgarten A., Weitner L., Moll A, Christensen S., Köppe S., Kundi M., Rieger A., Peck-Radosavljevic M. Antivir Ther. 2011;16(6):815-24. Doi: 10.3851/IMP1831.
Longterm Outcome of Interferon/Ribavirin treatment in German Real-Life setting: Durable SVR associated with low rates of Liver-Related events. Stefan Mauss, Jörg Petersen, Thomas Witthoeft, Heiner W. Busch, Stefan Christensen, Elmar Zehnter, Christine John, Jörg Gölz, Katja Nowak, Manfred Bilzer, Dietrich Hüppe, The 62st Annual Meeting Of The American Association For The Study Of The Liver (AASLD), San Francisco, USA, 2011, Abstract # 1338
Longterm benefits of sustained virological response (SVR) in Patients with chronic Hepatitis C (CHC) Virus Infection: The German LOTOS Study. Wedemeyer H., Reimer J., Sandrow P., Hueppe D., Lutz T., Gruengreiff K., Goelz J., Busch H., Christensen S., Hribar I., Alshut U., The Digestive Disease Week 2011 (DDW) in Chicago, USA, 2011, Abstract # 6795
Longterm Outcome of Chronic Hepatitis C (CHC) Virus Infection in a real World Setting: The German LOTOS Study. Wedemeyer H., Reimer J., Sandrow P., Hueppe D., Lutz T., Gruengreiff K., Goelz J., Busch H., Christensen S., Hribar I., Alshut U., The 61st Annual Meeting Of The American Association For The Study Of The Liver (AASLD), Boston, USA, 2010, Abstract # 973.
Genotypic und phenotypic HIV tropism testing predicts the outcome of Maraviroc regimens. Braun P., Wolf E., Hower M., Scholten S., Köthermann W., Neuwirth A., Wiesmann F., Höhn C., Ehret R., Trein A., Schnaitmann A., Balogh, A., Christensen S., Jäger H., Knechten H. XVII International Drug Resistance Workshop, Fort Myers, USA, 2009; Abstract # 46.
Detection of an Enfurvitide-resistant HIV-1 strain in an Enfurvitide-naive patient in a German cohort. R. Ehret, S.Christensen, A. Tappe, H. Knechten, P. Braun. Sixth European HIV Drug Resistance Workshop, March 26-28, 2008, Budapest, Hungary, Abstract 75.
HIV-Controllers – The Female Factor? 10 Years no Virus in Untreated HIV Patients. Eger J., Wolf E., Goelz J., Brust J., Ulmer A., Mueller M., Nzimegne-Goelz S., Mostaf F., Vogel M., Rockstroh J., Leistner I., Mayr C., Schmidt W., Carganico A., Herrmann S., Christensen S., Pfaff U., Koeppe S., Levin C., Jaeger H. 11th European AIDS Conference/EACS, October 24-27, 2007, Madrid, Spain, Poster P6.5/02.
Switching to Atazanavir improves Metabolic Disorders in Antiretroviral-Experienced Patients With Severe Hyperlipidemia. U. Möbius, M. Lubach-Ruitman, B. Castro-Frenzel, M. Stoll, S. Esser, E. Vogt, S. Christensen, J. Rump, G. Fätkenheuer, G. Behrens, R. Schmidt. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2005; 39; 174-180.
Therapie einer chronisch replikativen Hepatitis C bei einer stabil mit Buprenorphin substituierten Patientin mit psychiatrischer Komorbidität in interdisziplinärer Zusammenarbeit. S.Christensen, T. Poehlke. Suchtmed 2005; 7; 70-71.
HIV-Infektion und AIDS-Erkrankung. H. Busch, S. Christensen, C. Weishaupt. Suchtmedizinische Versorgung. Springer-Verlag 2000;143-159. ISBN 3-540-655582-4.
Hepatitis C unter Drogenabhängigen, Epidemiologie, Klinik, Diagnostik und Therapie in der Praxis. S. Christensen. Suchtmedizinische Versorgung, Springer Verlag 2000; 173-182. ISBN 3-540-655582-4.
D4T ist a reliable drug for the treatment of HIV-infected pregnant woman. C.Weishaupt, S.Christensen, H.Busch; Abstract 0501, 2nd Conference on Global strategies for the prevention of HIV transmission from mothers to infants, 1999, Montreal, Canada.
Initiation of a treatment with Zidovudine in combination with Zalcitabine in 95 HIV-infected patients with a previous Zidovudine monotherapy: Experiences of the Ambulance of Acquired Immunodeficiency of the WWU Münster. H. Busch, S. Christensen, D. Reichelt, S. Jahn, W. Zidek
4th European Conference on Clinical Aspects and Treatment of HIV-Infection, P255, Milano 1994
Treatment of HIV-infected patients with advanced symptomatic disease with WF10 solution (TCDO). H.Busch, S.Christensen, D.Reichelt, S.Jahn, W.Zidek. X. International Conference on AIDS, PB0245, Yokohama 1994
Zidovudine or Zidovudine/Acyclovir in patients with asymptomatic HIV-infection and CD4-cell counts greater than 400/µl. S. Jahn, H. Busch, D. Reichelt, S. Christensen, W. Zidek.
X. International Conference on AIDS, PB0280, Yokohama 1994
Antiretrovirale Kombinationstherapie-Therapie der HIV-Infektion. H.W. Busch; S.Christensen (Hrsg.) Schriftenreihe des Kuratoriums für interdisziplinäre Medizin, Forschung, Behandlung und Prävention von AIDS und Suchtkrankheiten e.V.. - 1. Auflage - Düsseldorf, Severin & Partner GmbH, 1994
Die Indikation einer polyvalenten intravenösen Immunglobulintherapie im Rahmen der HIV-Erkrankung. HIV-Medizin: Möglichkeiten der individualisierten Therapie; H. Busch, S. Christensen, D. Reichelt. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse in der Mitte der 90er Jahre/[4. Münchener AIDS-Tage 1994]. H. Jäger (Hrsg.) ecomed, 1994, S. 324-325
Initiation of a treatment with Zidovudine in combination with Zalcitabine in 64 HIV-infected patients with previous Zidovudine monotherapy. S.Christensen, H.Busch, U.Hoffmann, D.Reichelt, S.Jahn, W.Zidek. IX. International Conference on AIDS, PO-B26-2103, Berlin 1993
Zidovudine 800 mg or Zidovudine 500 mg in combination with Acyclovir for treatment of HIV-infection. S. Jahn, H. Busch, D. Reichelt, A. Gillessen, U. Hoffmann, S. Christensen. IX. International Conference on AIDS, PO-B26-2122, Berlin 1993
Levomethadone Maintenance Treatment in HIV-infected intravenious drug users. T. Poehlke, H. Busch, S. Christensen, S. Jahn, W.Zidek. IX. International Conference on AIDS, PO-B26-2102, Berlin 1993
Levomethadone maintenance treatment in HIV-infected intravenious drug users. T. Poehlke, H. Busch, S. Christensen, S. Jahn. Second European Symposium on Drug Addiction & AIDS, Siena 1993
AIDS und Opiatabhängigkeit. H. Busch, T. Poehlke, S. Jahn, D. Reichelt, S. Christensen, W. Zidek. W.Westfälisches Ärzteblatt 11/92, S. 565 ff.